We believe they are the future.
In our classrooms, kids will have fun, be safe and learn about Jesus!
Our purpose is to reach every child with the life giving message of Jesus that they might become fully devoted followers of Christ. In FWC KIDS, we will share God’s light in order to draw entire families into His kingdom.
6 weeks - 2 years
2 Years - Pre K
K - 5th grade
Thursday Evenings
Your family is important to us. We have a secure check-in and pick-up system to help keep your child safe. On your first visit, make your way to the "Child Check-In" kiosk in the lobby. There will be a volunteer ready to help you get your child(ren) checked in. We will need the following information: Parent/guardian names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs, etc...) for each child.
Once registered, labels will be printed for each child to wear on their shirt as well as a "pick-up" label for the parent/guardian to keep.​
Besides having fun and learning about Jesus, your child’s safety is our top priority. We have implemented many safety protocols that are designed to keep your children safe which include:
All FWC Kids volunteers pass a background check.
We use a security tag system for child check-in and pick-up
Each classroom has two or more volunteers at all times
There is always someone on-site who has been certified in CPR/First Aid
You will need your parent pick-up label to retrieve your child(ren) from class. You can give your pick-up label to anyone you trust to pick up your child (an older sibling) but we ask that the pick-up person be at least 12 years old. Children will not be released from the classroom without the pick-up label. Don't worry if you misplace the label.
We can print you a new one!